Intravenous Wellness Therapy

Gone are the days when only hospital patients receive IV wellness therapy treatments. Today, many health-conscious people enjoy IV hydration therapy as a way of getting the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even medications they need to feel better and keep their body functioning properly.

Our IV Drip Therapy

Vera Immune system support drip

JMD 16,500

Vera member of the Aloe genus plant combats bad luck and negative energy and detoxes.The Vera drip is a combination of Vitamin C and Zinc that supports your immune system to help combat illnesses and improve on immune system response. This drip is perfect to fight viruses, bacteria, and seasonal allergies. Boost your drip with a Glutathione shot for extra energy.
Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Zinc

Dahlias Drip

JMD 18,500

Red Dahlias - Bright, striking colors, symbolize perseverance and the ability to overcome.Getting intense at work? Feeling exhausted/fatigued? Have a big night out planned? Had an intense day of athletic training or intend to have one? Jumping carnival? Going off for a weekend? Book this drip for an instant energy boost and to enhance performance. This is also a quick and easy way to supplement nutrients lost that has not been replenished.
Fluids | Electrolytes | Energy Enhancer | B-Complex | Vitamin C | Carnitine

Daisy Drip

JMD 18,500

“Daisies are known for symbolizing beauty, innocence and purity”

A Harmony Health Favorite! Want beautiful, radiant skin? Our Daisy Drip is the answer! Hydrate your skin back to health by promoting collagen and elastin development to fight the signs of aging. The added immune system builder is a plus.
Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Glutathione

White Tulips Drip

JMD 21,600

“White tulips symbolizes rebirth, rejuvenation and optimism. ”

This drip provides Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). In order to be healthy all cells throughout the entire body need NAD+. NAD IV therapy is used to slow the aging process, promote better overall health and athletic performance, repair effects of illnesses, enhance mental abilities, and even boost resistance to addictions and addictive behaviors. It works at the molecular level to repair DNA and maximize cellular function through mitochondria activation NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) has been referred to as the “miracle molecule” or the “fountain of youth” in its IV form.

Marigold Energizer Drip

JMD 18,500

“Marigolds represent the powerful strength of the sun and represent power, strength, and light that lives inside of a person.”

This drip helps you perform better, have more energy and recover faster. These ingredients will also support athletic performance, muscle recovery and joint health and the nutrients will help accelerate your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories and replenish your cells.
Fluids | Electrolytes | B -Complex | Amino Acids|high dose vitamin C

Areca Palm detox drip

JMD 19,600

The Areca palm is know as a powerful house plant that helps to detoxify the air you breath. This drip is specifically formulated with a powerful antioxidant to aid in protecting your health by detoxing and cleansing your organs of unwanted toxins and substances
Fluids | Electrolytes | high dose Glutathione