What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Also known as a safe subcutaneous buttock augmentation (SSBA), this surgical procedure utilizes fat from liposuctioned from areas of your body and graft to your buttock to add fullness and create a more curvaceous, alluring looking derrière.

How Does the Procedure Work?

Fat is liposuctioned from thigh, arms, abdomen, back, waistline. This extracted fat is then washed, separated from fluid, and loaded into a syringe for transfer. We then inject the fat precisely into the buttocks to enhance its shape and size.

In some cases, a portion of the transferred fat may not take to the relocation, so we may inject more than necessary to ensure results meet your expectations and goals. If a majority of the cells do not endure, regrafting may be necessary in the future.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Surgery?

The best candidates for a Brazilian butt lift are those seeking a change in buttock contour who’ve lost their natural curves due to age or change in weight and have enough pockets of fat for grafting. You should be in generally good health, free from any infections, and able to tolerate local anesthesia and surgery. Other conditions may include a healthy and stable weight, lifestyle with regular exercise and diet, and abstinence from smoking. Be sure to discuss all of your surgical needs and options with us.

What to Expect From the Procedure

In preparation for your procedure, you will be recommended to stop alcohol and vaping one month before your procedure. We check for 15 drugs the morning of procedure, if you are positive your procedure will be cancelled and you will not be entitled to any refund. You will also have to stop taking any medication that could adversely interact with anesthesia, as well as aspirin products and blood-thinning medications, two weeks prior. The day of surgery, you’ll have to avoid eating for at least eight hours, and refrain from drinking beverages at least six hours before your appointment. You may also be advised to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, and arrange a a ride home with a 24hr chaperone.

What Is Recovery Like?

Following your surgery, you will not be able to sit on your buttocks or sleep on your back for about two weeks, or until the area has healed enough. You may experience swelling for several weeks, however pain should be minimal. We will prescribe pain medications You can resume light daily activities the very day after your procedure but shouldn’t exert strenuous activity or lift heavy objects. After this period, your surgeon will evaluate whether you’ve healed enough to sit on your buttocks using a donut seat or pillows under your thighs. You cannot resume prolonged sitting for approximately eight weeks, and can return to work in 10-14 days It can take up to six months to fully heal and see the final results.

Results & How Long They Last?>

By the end of your recovery period, you should have more voluminous, perky buttocks, as well as improved body shape and proportions. A Brazilian butt lift should last forever, but in some cases, if the transfer doesn’t take hold, a patient may require more than one procedure to attain the look they want. Typically, by the three-month mark you can be fairly certain if the transfer bonded effectively. Weight fluctuation can affect the outcome of this surgery. If you gain weight, your buttocks can become enlarged, and smaller if you lose weight. The fat cells added to your buttock can grow and shrink, so it’s best to maintain a stable weight to preserve results. Adding healthy fats to your meals IMMEDIATELY AFTER PROCEDURE, will ensure survival of the fat. You may also take a fish oil supplement . Examples of good fats are :

  1. Olive, canola, peanut, and sesame oils
  2. Avocados
  3. Olives
  4. Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews)
  5. Peanut butter

Polyunsaturated fat – good sources include:

  1. Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds
  2. Flaxseed
  3. Walnuts
  4. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines) and fish oil
  5. Soybean and safflower oil
  6. Soymilk

Tofu to your diet during the early recovery period may help with better fat retention.

Potential Risks & Side Effects

Brazilian butt lifts are considered safe procedures in the right hands. As with all surgeries, there is potential risk of complications or side effects, including:

  1. Infection
  2. Scarring
  3. Lumpy or Uneven Skin Texture
  4. Prolonged Pain
  5. Fat necrosis
  6. Buttock is not as curvy as desired
  7. Hip dips may return

What is lipobodysculpting

As a traditional technique, liposuction involves removing fat through a cannula – a fine, hollow metal or plastic tube – inserted into the skin. A high-powered vacuum is applied through the cannula, which sucks out the unwanted fat.

Lipo Body sculpting is carried out under local anesthesia and clients are also sedated with oral medications. This is called conscious sedation. Tiny incisions are made in the skin to insert the cannulas. Once the cannulas are in place, treatment begins and the fat is removed by vacuum suctioning. After the treatment is finished drains are placed into the lipo area for speedy healing. The whole procedure can take from one to four hours, depending on the size of the area and volume of fat to be removed. You go home the same day.

What is the recovery time?

It is normal for swelling, bruising and soreness to take about two to three weeks to settle down. If you are traveling from overseas, you will need to be in Jamaica for TWO WEEKS. It is likely you will experience some pain, discomfort and soreness. You will be undergoing several sessions of manual lymphatic drainage by us and you will be required to wear elastic compression garments for up to 6 months.

Results of body sculpting will be better if you are in good health and are already doing what you can to keep weight down through diet and exercise. Muscle definition will be clearer after liposuction if you already have good muscle tone underneath the fat layer. It is important to remember that skin has to reshape once fat is removed, so elastic skin will show the best results while people with looser skin may experience some sagging.

What are the risks and side effects?

Liposuction of any type is a surgical procedure which brings associated risks. These can be anything from a mild irritation, like short-term pain, to potentially life-threatening incidents, like clots or organ damage. Cosmetic risks include lumpy or dimpled skin, which may be permanent. Medical risks include infection, persistent swelling, numbness or increased sensitivity of the skin, burns (from technologies which heat the fat), and a reaction to local anaesthesia Possible serious risks include:

  1. Embolism: If loosened fat cells enter the blood they can get trapped, causing a clot. If these travel into the lungs or brain they can cause disability or even be fatal.
  2. Internal puncture wounds (visceral perforations): In some cases, the cannula may pierce an internal organ, such as the intestines. Damage can require further surgery and, in some cases, be fatal.
  3. Fluid imbalance: if large amounts of liquid are used in liposuction this can upset the body’s fluid balance, which can develop into a serious problem affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys if not carefully monitored.

Research into deaths through liposuction shows conflicting results. Some studies show the death rate is just three in every 100,000 liposuction procedures, but others show it is between 20 and 100 deaths every 100,000 surgeries. This means your risk of dying is somewhere between 0.003 and 0.1 percent.

So, is it worth it?

Body sculpting can have clear results almost immediately and, once removed, the fat often takes a very long time to return. If you gain weight the fat will return. It can take several weeks to return to normal activity.
It is important to consider the risks. The American medical licencing body, the FDA, says: “Most patients are pleased with the outcome of their liposuction surgery. However, like any other medical procedure, there are risks involved… Try to avoid being influenced by friends that have had the procedure or doctors encouraging you to do so. Decide for yourself whether you are willing to take the risks involved in liposuction.